lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

Chapter 1: Food & Supplies

Healthy mind & Healthy body.
This is something you have to remember,a correct diet and learning how to preserve food is a very important thing to consider if you intend to survive the walking pestilence! cooking techniques and energy saving appliances are also vital when you are stocking up your bunker.

Let`s start with food:

Canned goods last longer. Always have a good amount of products like canned meat, tuna, vegetables, fruits.

Tac Bac is an excellent product to keep your body and mind sharp as a knife with the right amount of proteins and you can keep it in stock for up to 10 years!

You should also buy a few ARP`s (Army Ration Packs) Excellent Survival General Purpose Operational Ration Packs include all you need for Energy Survival for 24 Hours Or Even Longer All packs include Breakfast and a 3 Course Main Meal, Pudding and Lots Of Sundries !Sundries Include Oatmeal block, fruit biscuits, brown biscuits, chocolate, boiled sweets, chocolate drink, beverage whitener, sugar, tea, coffee, stock drink, orange or lemon drink, chewing gum, waterproof matches, paper tissues, water puri tabs.

This could be important when you are out on the field and not inside your bunker.


Dry Foods:
You need to keep some dry beans, pasta, potato flakes, rice etc. Without preserving this will last you up to one year. In the freezer up to 5 years.

You can preserve REAL Cheese by simply using cheese wax for up to 25 years! yes you heard that right!

You can have meals already made, cooked, and stored in a Mason jar! You can bake bread, cake, cookies, casseroles, pudding, and more, in a Mason jar, seal it, and they will last for SEVERAL years! That way you don’t have to figure out how to cook up something every day while you’re enduring a crisis. Do it in comfort now, so you can live in comfort even in the worst of disasters!


Energy won`t be eternal during the Zombie Apocalypse so you have to save as much as you can of it. Pressure Cookers are a good option if you are using your Gas Burner. They are fast, nutritious, fuel friendly and SO easy to use!

A must have is a solar oven as well, why not cooking outside enjoying the nature and the sun during the day, anyway Zombies will be hidden during the day, same goes with Vampires!!! Well, not really, actually zombies will be around but if you are in the rooftop of a building and you already blew the stairs as you should then you don`t have to worry about.
Solar ovens triplicate the life of the fuel stored so think about it!

Remember to stock enough on:

  • Bottled Water
  • Powdered Milk & Eggs
  • General Dry Foods (Rice/Beans/Wheat)
  • Flour, Yeast and Salt
  • Fuel and Batteries
  • Water Puri Tabs
  • First Aid Goodies
  • Hygiene stuff
  • Toilet Paper
  • Cigarrettes
  • Liquor
  • Marihuana
  • Condoms (No, they are not intended to protect you against zombies but you don`t want to bring a child to the world under this conditions right?
  • Explosives
  • Battery Radio
  • Satellite Phone
  • LOADS of Ammo
  • A Guitar. 
  • Axe (you might need to chop some wood)

You will also need flashlights, power generator, camping cooking gear, stove, tripode and grill for cooking with wood, hand can opener, water purifiers, water containers, vitamins.

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