martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Chapter 6: Tactical Approach

Ok, so now you have your supplies ready, your armor, guns, hideout and you understand Zombies but:
Do you know how to fight them from a tactical approach?

If you never had military formation you really need to learn a few things, not only you but all the survivors that you managed to gather.

First you need to learn how to properly use your gun:

"The Four S Shooting Method"
  by Every Citizen A Soldier.

I Safety

Safety should be the primary concern of any shooter, be they a dedicated bench-rest person, skeet shooter, plinker, action shooter or training for combat.  Obedience to Colonel Cooper’s four rules is imperative.  Mastering safe weapons handling now will reduce the risk of injuries or death while training or competing. If you ever have to use a firearm for its intended purpose it will reduce the risk of friendly fire casualties.

II Stance

Artillery pieces have a large heavy carriage or baseplate from which to shoot.  The purpose of this is to make the barrel more stable during firing.  With small arms you are the baseplate.  The position of your body and the interface of you to the weapon (grip) are major components to how accurate you will be.  In practical vs. target shooting there is the additional need to be flexible in stance.  This is in order to be able to move quickly in and out of the position to move as well as to be able to better utilize cover.  In most positions we shoot from the waste up.  There are many arguments as to foot location and over all position.  What is critical here is that you weight is evenly distributed between your feet (if standing) or other ground contact points (other positions.)  Do not worry to much about textbook pictures of shooting positions.  Odds are that if you are using a textbook position you are not using cover and concealment correctly.

III Sight Picture

This is how you choose where you want your bullet to go.  There are a variety of sights available, peep, v-notch, bead, red dot, telescopic etc.  The point of all of these is to give you a reference of where your bullet should travel when you squeeze the trigger.  You must master your particular sight type.  I am a firm believer in starting off with iron sights.  I feel that using iron sights is like stick shift cars.  You might think you drive well with an automatic, but if you can’t drive a stick you will never really understand driving.  This doesn’t mean I’m not a believer in modern technology.

IV Squeeze

This is the final step to the shooting act, the manipulation of the trigger to fire the gun.  An effective trigger squeeze requires a familiarity with your firearm that can only come with extensive dry firing, as triggers vary greatly from platform to platform.  But the universal rule in accurate shooting is that the trigger “break” when the hammer or striker falls should be a surprise.

Now, let`s gather some simple combat tips:

Clear the Room: There's nothing worse than stepping into a room only to be set upon by a horde of brain-hungry zombies. A team of four armed shooters can easily clear a room if they all stand against the nearest wall: one body in each corner and two in the middle. This position proves optimal for quickly dispatching of a room full of the reanimated.

Never Turn Your Back on the Enemy: Shambling isn't just for zombies. Three live humans can stand with their backs together and carefully rotate through the room, ensuring that all eyes are facing outward and no one falls victim to a surprise attack.

The Fine Line: For those lucky enough to amass a relatively large army of live humans, the Fine Line is the best way to fend off roving zombie hordes. Simply form two lines of armed persons, one line in front of the other. Have the front line shoot while the back line holds. When the front line runs out of ammo, the back line steps in while the front line reloads. Tragically, the Squad's training zombie, Billy the Hunter, died while the Squad demonstrated this technique.


Zombies Are the Least of Your Worries: It's bad enough that you have to deal with the zombified masses, who are tireless, feel no pain, and greatly outnumber healthy human beings. But perhaps even more deadly are the humans who simply can't cope with the new world order. It's best if you keep a psychologist on hand who can identify and subdue such persons before they embark on a murderous rampage that makes the zombies look as ferocious as fluffy kittens.


Animals: Friend or Foe? Animals can be invaluable allies at the end of the world, but the zombie infection could render them more hazard than help. If the zombie plague is viral, it can infect any living cells, causing even the most inhuman animals to exhibit flesh-craving symptoms. Z.E.R.O. members ask: Would you rather fight off a zombie human — or a zombie lion?

 Scared? well this are only Cubs...

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